Providing the Best in Beauty & Wellness Services
in the City of Fairfax for Over 20+ Years!
Voted #1 Best Hair Salon in Fairfax. Voted #1 Best Nail Salon in Fairfax. Voted #1 Best Day Spa in Fairfax.

Dante Signature Hair Extensions
Here at Dante Salon & Wellness Spa, we take pride in nurturing the health and longevity of not just your hair but also your extensions. Allow us to guide you towards achieving a fuller and more extended look. Whether you desire added length or increased volume, we have tailored options to meet your specific needs. Trust in the expertise of our master stylists to deliver exceptional results and pamper yourself at Dante Salon & Wellness Spa. Your hair's beauty is in capable hands!
Indulge in our diverse range of extension options crafted to meet your everyday needs. A comprehensive consultation is the key to uncovering your unique requirements and devising a personalized plan to achieve them. Our master stylists stand prepared to embark on this journey with you, guiding you every step of the way. During the consultation, you'll receive a detailed price breakdown, ensuring transparency in our services. We go the extra mile by expertly color-matching your hair and seamlessly ordering your extensions. Recognizing that everyone is unique, we tailor our quotes to your specific needs, ensuring a truly customized experience. Elevate your look with Dante Salon & Wellness Spa – where individuality meets exceptional service!
Secure your consultation today and unlock a new dimension of style for your look!